norms and responsibilities

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norms and responsibilities

Gordon Stull
Responsibilities that go along with digital citizenship include: 1) Treat people online with the same respect you would in public, to their face. This in itself would go a longs ways in making people feel safer on the internet, especially regarding social media and emails. Also, keep in mind it is still better to do many things face to face if possible. It is easy to misinterpret what is written. 2) As an educator, make sure that your students have access to reputable, accurate websites and the information they contain.

Responsibilities might include: 1)Keeping yourself and you kids safe from predators of all kinds. Of, course there are the obvious pedophiles who use the internet to seduce and trick their victims, but the numerous phishing scams that are out there are also predatory in nature. You have the responsibility to guard your personal information, just as you would guard a stack of c notes, because its really the same thing.

I also think an additional responsibility we have as educators is to make sure that our kids are educated in internet safety and savvy.
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Re: norms and responsibilities

J Atkins
The world has changed so much.  There is so much cyber bullying and it is scary as the world gets more hostile and it is so easy to do damage to another person.  One wrong or mean thing typed on Facebook or other social media can ruin or damage someone that you can't fix or take back.  Things go so viral so quickly!  There are a lot of individual out there who want to steal your information, to cause damage or to disrupt your life just to make it easy on them or just because.  I am even leery of writing on here, but am for class credits...  I don't like to comment because of the way the world is. I don't like posting just because someone might not like what I post and then try to intentionally make trouble for me. Kids need to learn how easily things can turn and how bad it can get.  It would be wonderful if the world was filled with good and love.... Education is the best way to inform and teach the kids how to be safe and how to be responsible.  They should be held accountable for their actions.  Be nice to others.  Treat others as you want to be treated.  YUP the Golden Rule...