security settings

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security settings

Ed Huenemann, edleader123
I have two accounts for Facebook and two for Twitter-  one is personal, the other is professional.  The news story speaker said, "Check your internet settings at least once a month."  I find this to be true.  It's disturbing to me that these settings can be changed without your knowledge.  The monthly check is great advice.

At school, I recommend only using transparent media, such as Edmodo or Remind.  We don't prohibit the use of Facebook or Twitter (like they do in Missouri), but we highly encourage transparency and responsible use.  

Ethics for Educators training in Iowa also addresses this subject.
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Re: security settings

SASSA’s platforms often provide educational resources related to social security benefits, rights, and responsibilities. By checking their status, beneficiaries may come across additional information that can help them understand the broader landscape of social support available in South Africa. This knowledge can lead to more informed decisions about what assistance they might qualify for, including child support grants, disability benefits, and elderly pensions SASSA status check service. Accessing these resources can significantly enhance beneficiaries’ ability to advocate for themselves and their families.