Financial Literacy in Content Area
Posted by Lisa Schmitz on Dec 30, 2017; 10:35pm
I currently am a substitute teacher, but I am hopeful that I will be starting a position as a pre-kindergarten teacher soon. I think there are several content areas that come to mind in regards to Financial Literacy, beginning with math and counting coins. Additionally, there is sorting, counting by 5's 10's, 100's for those advanced kindergarten students. Saving should be a part of everyone's curriculum, and it could be included when goals are set, such as activites, vacations, and even planning for their own education. If you want to be an astronaut, you will need not just an good degree, but one from a strong and possibly expensive institution. Children love to cook, and what a good idea for the to budget for what they can make. It's good to teach little ones how to put aside and not spend everything they have whether it's for jellybeans or the future.