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Financial Literacy for the Workplace and Beyond

Posted by Kathy Mabe on Jan 21, 2018; 9:56pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Financial-Literacy-for-the-Workplace-and-Beyond-tp10401.html

Since I currently am not employed in a full-time teaching position, I use the knowledge I have gained through years of experience to give real-life examples and reinforce what young employees need to do now to be financially secure in the future.
I also do this in any situation in which I am in a position to be able to influence young people.
Some of the things I reinforce:
1.  Importance of living below your means.
2.  Pay yourself first - money must go into savings.
3.  Don't incur debt that isn't for a home.
4.  Invest money in your company 401-k, and especially if the employer is providing a matching contribution. Then increase that amount each year or each time you receive a raise.
When I share this type of information, I am able to use my own examples and compare/contrast to others so the "students" can fully grasp the importance of this information to their future financial well-being.
Provided by:  Kathy Mabe