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Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Posted by Sue Kientz on Jul 04, 2014; 1:13pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Digital-Rights-and-Responsibilities-tp2756.html

I believe students and staff have digital rights -- they should be able to use the Internet not just to consume information but to contribute.  Theses rights should include things like being to create accounts for Web 2.0 tools, creating a blog, replying to others on the web and download appropriate materials for classroom use, etc.  With these rights come responsibilities.  Students and staff must understand appropriate behavior -- what kind of license does the material they want to use for the class room have, has the owner of the materials given them rights to use it in their classroom, have they followed the fair use guidelines and given attribution where required, are they keeping themselves safe by not giving out too much information about themselves, do they understand the concept of a digital footprint and how it stays with them forever.  Understanding these rights and responsibilities are no longer optional in this digital world -- every teacher and parent needs to understand digital citizenship, model it and discuss it with peers, students, children and grandchildren.