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Inappropriate Use Digital Media

Posted by Daniel Wright on Oct 02, 2014; 9:28pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Inappropriate-Use-Digital-Media-tp3052.html

After reading several of our comments, I have come to a realization that we as adults have "dropped the ball" on Digital Media Appropriate Usage...Just think about this...We are educators.  For the most part, all of us are outstanding citizens as well.  Yet we have all used Digital Media inappropriately in some way (whether intentional or not.)  My misuse opened my eyes very quickly. It came when my brother sent me a very funny video...Of course it was an inside joke with our family, so I sent it to my sister "Privately" or so I thought...The next day in school, I was called into the office...My video "SHARED" not just to my family, but everyone I am associated with within our school district! Turns out I clicked on "PUBLIC" instead of "PRIVATE by accident. It was so embarrassing, humiliating, and any other word you can think of for DIGITAL DISASTER! We need to make sure our children/students realize 1 second clicked could be a  lifetime of DIGITAL DISASTER for them...To this day, it is difficult for me to look at my colleagues in the same light as before my Digital Disaster.