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Inappropriate Uses

Posted by Tami Tomkins on Oct 02, 2014; 7:58pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Inappropriate-Uses-tp3053.html

I have seen many of the examples others have posted. In school, I see students taking advantage of the use of digital media in several ways. They are good multi-taskers and will be "doing their work" while chatting in Google Hangouts, accessing YouTube to "listen" to music, and looking at images on 3 other tabs. I think the most impactful conversations I have with students regarding inappropriate use is when I tell them that all their digital footprint is archived immediately and cannot be completely removed, and the shock on their faces is evident. Their is so much going on and the kids maybe do not have all the facts. I have seen drama played out on Facebook and through other social media. many hurtful things are said and cannot be retracted.