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Inappropriate Use

Posted by nathan on Sep 05, 2014; 4:54pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Inappropriate-Use-tp3059.html

This post may not be about what is ethically inappropriate, but rather what may be on the fringe of a security or privacy issue.  I am a minimal facebook participant, but when I do check my account I consistently feel the violation of others.  Not necessarily by vulgar or indecent posts, but rather by the massive amount of photos and videos of everyday life.  It maybe a friend who posts a video of her baby every single day, or the or the adult teacher who posts an image of drinking at the beach AGAIN.  I feel these people are violating their own privacy.  Distracting themselves from their own lives by feeling the need to share every single moment with every single person in the world.  I think this belittles the importance of our own lives by exploitation which in itself is a privacy and security issue.