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Re: POST #4: Copyright

Posted by Karen Woodruff on Feb 20, 2016; 3:53pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/POST-4-Copyright-tp535p3619.html

Though I have read and been required to sit in on various seminars for copyright, I was interested in reading much of the information from this class.  I felt somewhat relieved to find that through the AEA media library I will not have to worry about copyright while accessing information or images for my students' projects.  Most of the time, I was more worried what I was accessing for use in the classroom.  The information provided through class that informed me, of what legally, weighs in and what does not, was very helpful.

Creative Commons will offer helpful information if I have any questions.  Since I was relatively unfamiliar with this site, I feel like I have a place to gain the knowledge I need to more informed.  I went back in and watched additional information about Creative Commons.  It is nice to know that some individuals are happy to share the work they have created and intend for others to build upon it.  Creative Commons' innovative idea to make it so easy to give the "OK" for this process was excellent.