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Re: going onPOST #4: Copyright

Posted by Marcia Kleinsmith on Feb 28, 2016; 4:00pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/POST-4-Copyright-tp535p3672.html

I have a better understand of how the AEA online site has safe, appropriate, reliable and legal information for teachers, parents and students.  My principal/superintendent is a former media specialist so we are asked often: How is that movie, clip, video connect to content and the purpose for using that in our classroom?  I think this is an important question to ask yourself.   In fact, we are challenged to ask this question for most everything we teach.  What is the purpose?  Is this an activity or is there skill development?  

We are also reminded that the AEA online resource is something our district helps to support and pays to be a part of.  Therefore, we want to use the resources that our district is already paying for before we use other resources.  And since we know that this resource is safe, appropriate, reliable, and legal we want to try to use these sources first.  I am intrigued by the You Tube for Schools mentioned in material and since you used so many You Tube clips to showcase materials.  Our district restricts You Tube usage because of concern for content.  However, talk to any 20 something and the first source they use to learn a new idea is You Tube. So I think I would like to investigate the educator access to some of these clips on line.