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Re: POST #4: Copyright

Posted by linda greenwood on Mar 13, 2016; 5:58pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/POST-4-Copyright-tp535p3817.html

When I started working at the high school, 26 years ago, so much of my work as a para was making photocopies. Yikes! Lets not talk about that. Our school went big time and got their own print shop.  With that, less of my time was spent on making copies. I prepared packets to be sent to the print shop.  To my surprise, and great relief, there were very few times that materials were returned with a note letting us know that due to copyright laws, reprints could not be made. As time passed, methodology changed and computer use grew, and the packet work is at a minimal. Better for all involved.  How does this relate to copy right? The students that once-upon-a-time had  boring work sheet after work sheet, now have chrome books.They can create power points written with AEA Online resources. We can all rest assured that their work sources, whether Britanicca, Gale or Learn 360 and free to use, not stolen.  Learning is quicker. Learning is bigger.  Learning is copyright free.