Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by Autum Lopata on Mar 14, 2016; 9:01pm
With the internet there is a wide range of material, good or bad, that is easily accessible through a simple search engine. It is very difficult for a student to tell the viability of the information they found through a simple search engine. I think students forget about the legality issues when it comes to copyright because it is easily accessible.
After completing the Iowa AEA online resource course, I now know the sources that are on the website that help with viability and legality of material students use in papers and presentations. I will start searches for pictures, texts, etc on the Iowa AEA online website to supplement any lesson plans I encounter while I am substitute teaching. I will encourage students to use this source when looking for presentation material rather then going to a simple search engine. This will help students become more aware of the copyright issues that may cause problems with their presentation and/or papers.