Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by Megan Lahey on Mar 21, 2016; 1:56pm
I feel all teachers should be required to participate/take the copyright section of this course every time they have to renew their license. As a technology coach I am more cognizant of copyright/fair use laws and policies but do not know all the ins and outs. This portion of the course was very well structured and allowed me to refresh my knowledge of the law(s). This section has also helped me realize I need to offer some copyright/fair use PD in my building for teachers.
One great thing about AEA resources is that the materials are easy to access and already have been vetted for copyright issues. Using Soundzabound makes it easy for students to pull a quick royalty free sound clip for a digital media project or images through iclipart/ap images. Another great aspect of the databases offered through Keystone is that all sources already have the citation included so students can easily copy and paste (they only thing they should copy and paste) this into their bibliography of their research.