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Re: POST #4: Copyright

Posted by Maelynne Feuerbach on Mar 28, 2016; 8:51pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/POST-4-Copyright-tp535p3899.html

After taking this course I definitely have a little bit of a better understanding of copyright laws. To be honest, I was never clear on the rules, especially for the classroom. I definitely think AEA would be my first stop for resources since I know I wouldn't have to worry about it but if I chose to go online or use google I would know better what questions to ask myself and what to look for to see if it would be something I should and can use. Since I will be a substitute teacher I'm hoping I won't need to worry about it too much but I also know sometimes as a sub I need to come up with something to fill the time that may not be on the lesson plan and knowing more about this will make me think before I choose an activity and make me feel more comfortable in my decision.