Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by Julie Fay on Apr 14, 2016; 1:43am
In the past I believed that copyright law didn’t allow me to copy anything from a book. I knew I could use a limited amount of information from a published work in my own written work, but that it had to be paraphrased or else placed in quotation marks with an appropriate citation. However, I didn’t know what the limit was, and was always nervous about where that line was. I was not aware of Classroom Use and Fair Use that allowed teachers to use copyrighted material in classrooms. Until I went through the copyright module in this course, I was unaware of the TEACH Act and Creative Commons.
Now that I am aware of the criteria that determine the legal use of copyrighted material in the classroom through Classroom Use and Fair Use, I will be comfortable incorporating a variety of material into my classes. Although the TEACH Act would not apply to me at the present, I am glad to know what is allowed under it. I am very happy to learn about Creative Commons and believe that it will make it much easier to avoid copyright infringement. Also, knowing that the AEA Online resources have been checked for copyright will motivate me to use all of these wonderful resources without worrying about infringement.