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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Posted by Amy Scherb on Aug 04, 2016; 12:42am
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Topic-3-Needs-Benefits-Empathy-Statements-tp3793p5325.html

Negative Teacher Statement:    
You have not posted on the 3rd discussion board.  

Negative Teacher Statement Reversed to a Positive:
Be sure you have added to discussion board 3 as this will provide as a platform for discussion board 4.  

Student Complaint:  
I couldn’t get the link to open that you included in our assignment

Teacher empathy response:  
Oh my, that must have been frustrating as you were trying to complete your assignment.  I had the same problem when I went back to try out the link.  It turns out I did not include the entire web address.  Thank you for being proactive about this situation to ensure that you are able to complete your assignment.  This issue should now be resolved so you and the rest of your classmates can complete the assignment.  Let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.