Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by
Carole Mackey on
Oct 28, 2015; 10:10pm
My understanding of copyright has changed after the AEA Online Resources course mainly in the area of the TEACH Act which addresses posting content on a server for access outside of class (a parallel to the Classroom Use provision). The provisions that the material be used under teacher supervision and that it is directly related to teaching content seem straightforward, but I was interested in the provisions about password protect/access restriction, general copyright warning, and reasonably preventing students from saving or printing the work. I will consciously include these into any online modules that I create from now on. The four Fair Use Criteria (Purpose and Character, Nature of the Work, Amount and Substantiality of the Portion Used, Effect of the Use on the Potential Market) were also helpful guidelines for using material legally. The Creative Commons was a unique approach to the issue which I think more efficiently addresses the practical side of copyright, and I will use the Creative Commons website ( to quickly find resources that I can be certain include permission for use. I think that using resources legally in the classroom provides an opportunity to model to students the importance of these rules and how to use them regularly in their own educational activities.