Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by Paula Carlyle-Pudenz on Oct 27, 2015; 1:20pm
Before taking the copyright module I really didn't know very much about copyright. Now I'm understanding it and what you can and can not do. The students in my college class have a hard time going through google all the time. They need to know how easy it is going into AEA resources and that they can trust what is in the AEA because its all be checked for them. They need to know by using the AEA,you can look your topic up and find so much in one place instead of using google and have to go through and find which site is the best to use.
I went through the class and ask each student have they researched papers, they all said google. I talked to them about AEA and one student said they used it in grade school and middle school but not know. I told them it would be easier foe them to use it now to because you do not have to look all over for information, it's all right there. I think we as the school just needs to push it more and get the kids back in it.
My goal for the rest of this year is to work with these kids and show them how much easier and how much safer it is to use AEA Resources and show them how easy it really is to use. I hope to get the teachers involved, so they can help the students to.