Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by Tim Kline on Oct 27, 2015; 12:44am
I think the information provided in the Copyright unit has opened my eyes to a what is legal use and what isn't. We have been instructed as educators that showing movies, even clips is a violation of copyright laws. That copying even part of an important book could land you in jail. As a result, we have cheated ourselves out of so many amazing resources and teaching tools. As a government teacher, I can tell you there are a ton of movies, in part or shown completely, that would help bring points home to the kids in an entertaining yet educational manner.
There are several books that I will use excerpts from when discussing any number of topics in government. The market is flooded with political opinion books by people like Bill O'Reilly and Michael Moore, and to be able to take chapters from each about a common point will allow compare and contrast skills to blossom!