Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by James Smiddy on Oct 26, 2015; 12:50pm
Taking this class and going through the copyright module I have a much better understanding of what you can do in the classroom in regards to the copyrights. I was never very comfortable with the different copyright rules and regulations, and I’m still not, but this class has helped a little. I think that using different information online is very tricky and I was worried about getting into trouble in the past, but moving forward I feel better about the situation. I still think I will do more research on the subject before letting kids do whatever they want in the classroom with the copyrights. It’s seems easier to go through the AEA site for this information, because they already have it filtered very well, some of the schools I teach in make it very difficult to get on anything, which I understand, but some of the sights could be very useful.