Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by Jon Temple on Oct 16, 2015; 6:45pm
Before taking this online course I was often confused as to what copyright laws actually involved. I am now aware that copyright laws are not quite as restricted as I thought. This information presented in the copyright section will be a great resource that I can revisit if I ever have questions or concerns about copyright. I also plan to share a lot of this information with my students when they are conducting research for lab reports or papers. Using the online resources provided by the Iowa AEA (learn 360, Brittanica online, etc.) make it much easier to avoid potential copyright issues than would just having my students use general internet searches. I plan on sharing many of the video clips about copyrights as we start our lab research unit. Those along with other information presented will be invaluable as many of my students are college bound and need to know how to correctly use and cite resources.