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Re: POST #4: Copyright

Posted by Lacey Dreeszen on Oct 13, 2015; 6:32pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/POST-4-Copyright-tp535p553.html

I learned a lot from the copyright module, and would like to read it again to make sure I have everything straight. In the past I think I have erred on the side of caution, and I do not regret doing so. It will be easier to expand my horizons than narrowing them. Public domain is a topic that came up in class one day. Students brought up the topic of Christmas songs. I learned about the 1923 law, and shared that since many of the songs have been around for so long, they are likely public domain. I didn't know about the orphan work before now, but it's good to be aware of it. I will still keep my students fairly restricted, but share the information on the AEA online website. I'm so glad someone else has done a lot of the work. I think all of the teachers use the Fair Use policy now, and it's a good opportunity to teach students a mini lesson on fairness, and maybe even on income!