Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by Deb Kock on Oct 06, 2015; 1:29am
I do tend to err on the side of safety when it comes to copyright but now know that I have much more leeway to use resources in an educational manner than I realized. I also learned that works are automatically copyrighted when they are created. Now that we have a new technology integrationist at our school, she informed us of the rules concerning our new iPads. Only the number of licenses our school has can be leant out to students on their digital devices. The section I found most useful was Classroom use. I can show any movie I purchased or checked out from the library, but for myself, it has to correlate with my themed unit and meet my student objectives. Our school is just going 2-1 in the elementary so as I'm learning how to teach my students to use information from websites I plan on using AEA's online resources to complete their reports because I don't have to worry about copyright issues.