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Re: POST #4: Copyright

Posted by Kari Johnson-Markla on Oct 04, 2015; 9:12pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/POST-4-Copyright-tp535p556.html

The module going over copyright rules and regulations was very helpful.  It's amazing how broad the rules can be.  I didn't realize how many things a person can actually share with their students without the big worry about copyright rules.  Using the Iowa Online resources will be a great asset to my classroom and I will be able to enhance the lessons to use for the class. It was refreshing to learn that copyright is not as restrictive as I thought.  Even though, one must still be careful not to abuse or misuse copyright laws. A few that I would like to review again are the videos clips available and which ones you can use in the classroom and which ones you cannot use.  In our program, we seldom use video anyway since we are using hands on and teaching more of the social and emotional skills for little ones.