Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by Beth Globokar on Sep 07, 2015; 5:54pm
Honestly, this is an area in which I have a great appreciation for the AEA Online Tools. So many of the tools available (Soundzabound, Images, etc) are made readily available for teacher and student use. As an administrator, I worry. I worry a lot about use of items in the digital age and whether or not copyright is being followed.
This course allowed for a good refresher of copyright reminders, but, most importantly, it gave me a place to point our teachers and students to in order for them to use items free of the concern of copyright. Our current students (middle schoolers) do not recall the hubub about ten years ago over music sharing that was rampant on the web. Utilizing GWAEA resources in conjunction with sound teaching practices on copyright laws specific to music and video are good practice. I think our students too easily assume that if they can find on the web, they can use it and it's our responsibility to teach them otherwise through their Digital Citizenship learning.