Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by Ann Varn on Sep 03, 2015; 9:00pm
Copyright is something I knew practically nothing about. I always thought of it as quite overwhelming. The module presented in this class explained the topic well and took a lot of the fear of improper use of materials away.
The greatest insight for me was how many resources there are available at Iowa AEA online for use by both students and educators. I appreciate that these materials have been filtered and are safe for use. Because the copyright permission has been taken care of, this becomes a much safer and useful resource than the general web. I will personally go to the AEA online site first for my own use when finding background materials when introducing a novel to my class. I also will instruct the students to use the online resources rather than google during their paper research. AEA has done the filtering work and gives the student confidence that they can use materials safely.