Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by Robin on Aug 17, 2015; 11:03pm
The copyright issue is a little clearer for me now after taking this self-paced class, but I am still not overly confident. I did not know that things published in the United States before 1923 are part of the public domain and free to use without permission. I also learned quite a bit about the Fair Use criteria. Knowing the factors (purpose & character of use, nature of copyrighted work, amount & substantiality of portion, effect of the use of potential market) can help avoid possible infringements.My takeaway from that section was using smaller amounts is safer. From a practical standpoint I use the copyright law in making copies for our families. It's a big help that you can glance on the inside cover of any book or workbook and read whether it is permissible to make copies for the family, or whether the work is copyright protected. After taking this class, I will discuss with my co-teacher ways that we can protect copyrighted material, as well as developing a hand-out to our families to assist them in understanding the law.