Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements
Posted by Matthew Hanawalt on Sep 14, 2016; 2:08am
Negative Statement:
You have to use equal signs when solving or it looks like a bunch of scrambled numbers thrown on a page.
The work provided to solve the problem is excellent. You have all the correct steps and procedures to find the right answer. I would like you to try to use equal signs when solving. This helps with communicate so that others are clearly able to see when one statement is equivalent to the next. It is the mathematical equivalent of using periods and capital letter when writing paragraphs.
The assignment wasn’t posted on Canvas last night.
Oops, you’re exactly right, (student name). I understand that is frustrating when you wanted to get started on the assignment. I apologize I did not get it uploaded until later in the evening. It is my fault and I can give you an extra day to do so. If this happens again, please send me a friendly reminder and I’ll get it posted.