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Re: POST #4: Copyright

Posted by Mike Moran on Jul 27, 2015; 4:53pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/POST-4-Copyright-tp535p576.html

Copyright infractions were never much of a concern for me personally. Any film or song I play in class always ties in with whatever lesson I’m currently exploring with my class. I’ve no patience with showing a film to fill time, but showing clips to capture a particular idea we’re exploring, or leading my creative writing class through The Sting, for example, stopping and starting and re-watching segments to discuss character development or dialogue or the means tension is established between characters, is not uncommon for me. I wasn’t aware that what I was doing was called “Fair Use.”

However, I do have a project that I have the students do where they often grab snippets from other videos from YouTube and string them altogether to explore whatever subject they may be exploring, and I’ve never been comfortable with that. The material available on AEA Online should allow them to focus down on material that they can comfortably use (maybe it’s only my comfort I’m concerned about).

Also, I have to be honest, the professionalism inherent in using AEA Online, as opposed to the wild-and-woolly Google, I think, will help the students take the subject matter and project more seriously.