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Financial Literacy in Content Area

Posted by Tom Meade on Oct 20, 2016; 9:50pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Financial-Literacy-in-Content-Area-tp6029.html

Financial literacy could/should be emphasized throughout a student's elementary and high school education. It is something they can use the rest of their lives. Some students seem to connect with financial planning at a young age and do very well with financial concerns. Others seem to continually struggle with financial literacy/planning for the rest of their lives. These students seem to have planning things for their future in many different areas. Some students do not even try to learn much about financial matters until they have to or get in trouble financially. Connecting financial literacy in Physical Education is probably best done when students need money for sporting equipment, camps, or private coaching. It may not work very well with some students whose parents just pay for the previously mentioned areas of financial need.