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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Posted by David Christopherson on Oct 21, 2016; 1:40am
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Topic-3-Needs-Benefits-Empathy-Statements-tp3793p6033.html

Negative Teacher Statement:
You have to stop stalling and get to work, you are falling behind in your posting and replies to other students.

Positive Teacher Statement:
Be sure to make some posts on the board. Then tell me what you have thought about posting.

Student Complaint:

I don’t like to make posts so I’m not going to do it.

Empathy Statement to Student Complaint:

I was the same way in high school when I was supposed to write peer reviews in an English class. So I started with small statements and eventually I found out that the other students actually hated it as much as I did. We all learned from each other about how to write reviews. So my suggestion is to start small and ask others how they came over their fear of posting. If others aren’t able to help you, I can be a sounding board for you before you post anything.