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Re: Financial Literacy in Content Area

Posted by David Christopherson on Oct 28, 2016; 3:40am
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Financial-Literacy-in-Content-Area-tp6029p6090.html

I teach high school business education classes. I talk to parents, colleges, business owners, and business managers. They all have a common response: coming out of high school, our future contributors to society need to have Personal Financial Management Skills.

Personal Financial Management Skills are more than just knowing how to get a job, it is how to earn a paycheck, how to save it, how to spend it, what to save it for, how to protect their assets, what an asset is, what a balance sheet is, and much more. They need to know because parents, employers, or employees won’t be able to help them make personal financial decisions forever. They must take ownership of the process to get what they need, not necessarily what they want and to become as successful as they desire.
Currently, most students I talk to students who say they don’t need to balance a checking account. They can just look online or on their smart phone to see if they have money. That won’t work forever. I am looking for more resources and skill to be able to do a better job to help the high school students survive even when they leave high school.

I am creating a technology friendly course that students will enjoy coming to or be able to do when they are home sick so they don't fall behind. There are a lot of videos that can be used.  In addition to this, I will use some of my current material that I have developed over the years adapting it to technology.