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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Posted by Erin Eckholt on Nov 19, 2016; 3:40pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Topic-3-Needs-Benefits-Empathy-Statements-tp3793p6264.html

Negative Statement:
  You have not completed your post on Write About this week.  

Positive Statement:
   Posting on this week's questions is important as it will help guide your reading and thinking for the second part of our book.  You will be using your posts as part of your "Aha writing" at the end of the text.  

Student Complaint:
   This book is boring and I don't have anything to say.

Emphatic Statement:  
    I appreciate your honesty about our book.  I understand that sometimes we read stories that don't speak to every reader.  I know that this is not a genre that you appreciate.  I think you might find it helpful if you pretend the story we are reading is a backstory to the characters you love in the graphic novel you are reading.  It may help you relate to the story on a different level.    I would love to have your input on the next book we do.  You know so much about graphic novels, maybe you could help the class understand why you are drawn to them, just as some students are drawn to this novel.