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Re: Topic #4: Narrative Voice

Posted by Erin Eckholt on Nov 19, 2016; 3:54pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Topic-4-Narrative-Voice-tp3794p6265.html

    Technology is great when it works.  How many times have I had plans or lessons to be delivered online when suddenly we lose internet or the students forget their chromes.  This one reason why so many teachers shy away from technology in the classroom.  Many feel that it creates more problems than it is worth.  While this may seem true while you are preparing to give an assessment only to discover the website is down, or the internet is running at a snail's pace.  
   Flexibility is key when using technology.  You need to be prepared for not only what you plan, but what will happen if technology fails you.  This is key to have a successful blended learning experience.  Not all of my students have the same access to resources, so I have to be ready to provide them with alternative tools and information.   Whether this is having them stay after school to use the internet, or printing off articles they won't have access to at home.  
   Technology, even with all its faults, has given us an amazing platform in which to engage and instruct our students.  To those who say we have not had great gains from this technology, I would simply point out that our students are more aware of global issues than ever before.  Technology has given us a way to connect with learners around globe.  Through online discussion threads, blogs, even exploring the millions of pins on Pinterest.  All of these factors outweigh the fact that technology is not perfect.  
   I believe that we need to approach technology with an open mind.  We need to be flexible in not only our planning, but our thinking.  There are so many benefits to using technology to engage and reach students that it shouldn't be something we sprinkle in here and there in our teaching.  Technology has given us the ability to interact with students across the globe as we have a shared reading experience during the Global Read Aloud, it has allowed our students to speak with authors and scientists alike through Skype or Google Hangouts. Despite the faults of technology, the benefits of it's proper use certainly outweighs any struggles you may encounter along the way.