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Re: POST #4: Copyright

Posted by aeverett on Jun 04, 2014; 12:08am
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/POST-4-Copyright-tp535p672.html

After having gone through the copyright module I now have a better understanding of copyright and yes it is not as restrictive as I had originally thought. Instead of just using Google, it is much better to go through the AEA online resources to find the multi media material that you want to use in your classroom, because it has already been sorted and filtered and the copyrighted material is labeled and the material that you can use is all ready to go. The AEA has done all the hard lifting for you. Plus if you don't download the material but just want to show it online the AEA site won't be blocked by your school like a lot of resources that you find on Google.