Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by rdw on Jun 04, 2014; 1:23am
As a writer of published materials, I was aware of much of the information in the module. I appreciate some of the information on classroom use and fair use. I have, however, seen too many teachers copy pages and tests from other textbooks which I do not believe falls under the guidelines of this policy. Again, as someone who was paid to write texts, I think it's important that those materials are guarded by the classroom use policy. Otherwise, the authors cannot make a living.
Another thing I think would be helpful for teachers is to share some of this policy with the student. For example, when reading or linking for a term with materials that are those of others, I believe that teachers should mention some of these restrictions to the class. Otherwise, students may see this as an example of teacher plagiarism. Students struggle enough with the concept of plagiarism. As teachers we have an opportunity to share how to correctly use the material written/created by others. I think it's always important to cite where material originates. The more teachers model this, the earlier students will make connections regarding plagiarism. Soon students will have a little voice in their own heads thinking that they need to state the author of source in presentations and papers.