Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by Diane Wolf on Jul 12, 2014; 2:45am
I understand the copyright laws much better now that I have worked through that section of the course. It is true, the copyright law is not as restrictive as I had thought. I think it is much easier and better to go through the AEA online resources and find the videos, books, and other resources that I want to use in my classroom. The restrictions and permissions are already labeled and the materials are readily available. Additionally, the risk of the firewall blocking material is not a concern since I will be working through the AEA site.
My current mode of operation is to show no video. I teach Pre-K and do not want to show entire works. I will now be able to find smaller sections to use as jumping off points for learning. I also am really jazzed about the children being able to read along with books. This is a truly educational way to invite the children into books through technology.