Re: POST #4: Copyright
Posted by Jen Neubauer on Jul 03, 2014; 10:38pm
I think Jennifer's first line in her post from this morning was one of the first thoughts that came into my head too. It was a lot easier to understand and comply with decades ago when we were in college or high school but not now with all the resources available electronically. I think I really became more aware of copyright issues when I began teaching at the college level because of the type of projects I was assigning. Then a couple years ago I began creating a graduate level course for Drake University as part of their Distance Learning Education program and I became even more aware of copyright issues because of the articles, videos, podcasts, music, and images I wanted to use in the course. I learned quickly about how time consuming it can be to search down an author/creator to obtain permission. And, I also learned that just because it is on YouTube doesn’t mean it’s free to be used either. So, what I learned during this course is that there are also many things I do not need to stress over as much as an educator. I was not aware that educators received a little more leniency. What I learned about that was new was Classroom Use, TEACH Act, Fair Use, and Creative Commons. I was so impressed by how much is available through the Iowa AEA Online that no matter whether its for my Elementary PE classes or my college level classes, I’m always going to start my search at the Iowa AEA Online site first before going to the web. And, when I do need to google, I will use the Advanced Search option and select Creative Commons. I had no idea that existed until this course, actually learned about it first in the Digital Citizenship course I also took this week.