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Re: POST #4: Copyright

Posted by Jennifer Andregg on Jul 03, 2014; 4:00pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/POST-4-Copyright-tp535p702.html

I have always found copyright scary and confusing, in this modern age.  When I was young, it was easy, don't copy pages out of books or quote authors without giving reference and you basically follow copywrite.  
Roxine Hild's, from this  forum, gave the prefect example of common copyright missuse in slide show videos.  In our small town, every highschool graduate, wedding, and funeral has a slide show with photos and music.  It also makes since that schools block U-tube, for various other reasons, copyright being one of them.  It is a relief to learn about this, and have a simple solution all at once.  I can go to the AEA online resources to find my digital material, and the copyrighted material is organized and clearly labeled.  You guys,  AEA, already did the hard part of sorting and getting permissions.  

As a bonus if, for some reason I need another resource, I can come back to this module and review anytime, to make sure I am using Copyright, right. (Cute word play, Huh)