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Re: POST #4: Copyright

Posted by Jean Sternhagen on Jun 24, 2014; 7:33pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/POST-4-Copyright-tp535p706.html

I have a better understanding of the copyright, fair use and creative commons then I did previously to this module.  As a para I'm usually not confronted with this as the teachers are.  I feel that it is important to stress to the students information about copyright and why you are allowed to use or copy something you are using in class.  Teachers need to model fair use so that students will follow their example.  As a para, I while guide and recommend that students use AEA online resources rather than google.  They will receive credible information and copyrighted material is sorted for them and labeled.  Material you can use is already to go.  Often times sites on google are blocked and you will not run into this with AEA resources.