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Re: POST #4: Copyright

Posted by eabbey on Jun 16, 2014; 12:37am
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/POST-4-Copyright-tp535p709.html

I was thankful for the copyright module as some things became more clear for me about copyrights.  I have always been careful about copyrights since I was a music teacher for a time and the issue would often come up about copying music for personal use. Some students and adults saw nothing wrong with copying cds or tapes(this goes back aways) and printed music for themselves and lots of others. But when you meet the musicians who make their living only by selling their music, as in cds or tapes or printed music, you understand the reason for copyrights much better. The public domain was good to know about as well as the Fair Use Act. The question "is your use of the material "fair"to the original creator or not?" and the 10% rule are good guidelines for thinking about this.