It is day 7 and we are well trekking right along. I’ve been thinking about our daily announcements. In my mind these daily announcements are some of the whole group experiences that students might have when experiencing personalized learning. It is a time and
a place for the teachers to distribute information to the whole group and address things that all the students might benefit from or need to tend to.
This got me thinking...when students engage in personalized learning or when educators design personalized learning
How much teacher voice or teacher expectation is too much?
How much is too little?
What’s the right ratio?
How do you know if you are at the right “ratio”?
I wish I could say that there was this magic line that clearly identifies where teacher voice should be at, but the reality is there isn’t. There isn’t because in the end, that ratio may be different for different students and different groups of students.
You may need to personalize how much of your voice you insert into a student's learning experiences. For example, if your students have never engaged in personalized learning you may have to provide them with scaffolding so they can be successful. They may
feel a little lost and confused. On the other hand, if they are used to it you may not need to insert yourself into their experiences as much. The one thing I can tell you is that asking your students is one way to find out what they are thinking. help us get a read on how you are feeling about your personalized learning experience so far we need to gather some information from you. Fill out the form
Day 7 Activities
Finish: What if Students Made School REPLIES found
Read the Personalized vs. Personal articles found
Read the lesson: Personalized Learning Environments found
Read the articles on PLEs found
here and begin annotating them.
Review the Symbaloo Tutorials and begin planning/setting up a PLE via Symbaloo
Continue to explore the “Learning Opportunities Menu” found
Upcoming Due Dates
Today: What if Students Made School REPLIES found
Feb. 15: Annotations on Personalized vs. Personal articles (Articles and directions found
Feb. 19: Annotations on the PLE articles found
Feb. 19: Symbaloo PLE Assignment found
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