Posted by on Feb 16, 2017; 5:36pm URL:
Good morning,
Here are a few things to share with you on this early spring day.
As I mentioned in the announcement yesterday, I replaced the PLE article with a new one. All of the PLE article information can be found here. Thank you to those of you who let me know that Scrible was not connected to it I’ve fixed it.
Don’t forget to let us know how the course is going for you by completing the form found here.
I’ve started gathering some videos on personalized learning that “shows” what it looks like. Some of them appear in the learning opportunities menu, however I thought it might be helpful to put them in one location. Click here to view the video collection. Before you view them, please view read the first slide. It outlines some of my personal thoughts about videos of instruction.
A video that goes over the details related to your personal learning plan. (Item #6)
Day 9 Activities Finish: Annotations on Personalized vs. Personal articles (Articles and directions found here)
Read the lesson: Personalized Learning Environments found here.
Read the articles on PLEs found here and begin annotating them.
Review the Symbaloo Tutorials found here and begin planning/setting up a PLE via Symbaloo.
Continue to explore the “Learning Opportunities Menu” found here.
Begin to draft your personalized learning plan for the course here.
Upcoming Due Dates Today: Annotations on Personalized vs. Personal articles (Articles and directions found here)
Feb. 18: Share your personalized learning plan for the course here.
Feb. 19: Annotations on the PLE articles found here.
Feb. 19: Symbaloo PLE Assignment found here.