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Financial Literacy as a Substitute

Posted by Kylie Nelson on Apr 13, 2017; 9:14pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Financial-Literacy-as-a-Substitute-tp7763.html

I taught High School English for 11 years and this is my first year substitute teaching.  I love the idea of learning about different topics since I'll be in a variety of classrooms.  Even as an English teacher, however, I feel that this topic was important.  High schoolers naturally have questions and are still pretty impressionable!  It's REAL life so it is really important to them!  I had one unit for my seniors that dealt with Walmart and the right to unionize.  Students had to prepare a financial plan as if they were living off of Walmart wages.  This opened up so many eyes and a whole bunch of questions!!  Students need to know what they are getting into, whether it is college or work-financial literacy is HUGE!  Being open about your own experiences (without getting too detailed that is) can bring authenticity to the lesson and draw students into the conversation.  I always tell students that I sat through my Exit class at UNI and listened to two students that didn't even know what loans they had.  Students need to be informed and aware of the decisions they are making financially.