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Financial Literacy with English learners/students from other countries

Posted by Annalisa Miner on May 22, 2017; 2:43pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Financial-Literacy-with-English-learners-students-from-other-countries-tp8028.html

I work with families and students from others countries and that speak additional languages beyond English.  Financial literacy is a large piece of success for all families.  Life can be so much 'easier' with good financial decisions and living within our means. Culturally, families may have different perspectives on finances, for example with saving for the future.  However, regardless of beliefs, as a system, I feel it is important to teach our students about financial literacy, because it plays such a contributing factor in their future.  Different philosophies  are fine, but we want our students to understand the importance of planning, exposing them to scenarios with what a HS dipolma will do for them in the work force compared to higher education, school loans, how to write checks, use credit wisely, invest, etc...

Many of the students I have served come from families who work in the agricultrual field.  Some students haven't considered professions beyond this work and by exposing students to other possibilities, this can open new doors from them...and to support their extended families in the future, which many plan to do.  Learning about financial literacy is one avenue that supports this opportunity and creates some 'buy-in'.

I believe that all students need exposure to this information.  I can say that as a teenager, I never was exposed to much beyond how to write a check.  If I would been educated moreso on these important aspects of life it wouldv'e been incredibly benefical!