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Re: Topic #1: Introduction to the Online Learner

Posted by blisk on May 31, 2017; 4:38pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Topic-1-Introduction-to-the-Online-Learner-tp3791p8110.html

Good afternoon!  I am a director of a lab school for Indian Hills Community College as well as an adjunct instructor for the college in a couple programs.  I teach online as well as face to face classes, and am interested in this class because although I have been doing this; there was really never any training on "how to" instruct at the college level.  So since I needed more credits to renew my Master's license it seems like a win/win class for me to take.  
I look forward to gaining insight in the process as well as valued discussion from others in this class.  We currently offer very few hybrid/blended courses at the college I teach for; however it seems like a wonderful idea and what a resourceful way to make classes even more reachable for students at all levels.  
Our students vary from High school level to non-traditional learners and obviously at the community college level we want to offer what will meet the ever changing needs of our client base.  The community I teach in is 19% poverty – 23% of families qualify for low income.  
I think the main challenge with blended/hybrid is if the students are taking their classes online it typically is because they can't find the time to make it to campus; therefore even if just coming a few times could pose some issues for them.    
What stood out is that it will not make me an expert, but would likely raise more questions and anxiety about what's left to learn.  As an educator we are continually looking for ways to grow and learn; and help our students be more successful – so although it stood out to me; I also completely understand it and value it.