Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements
Posted by Dan Leete on Jun 20, 2017; 2:32pm
Negative Teacher Statement
You have not uploaded progress pics of your art project. Your grade is a 0.
Changed Needs Statement
I see that you e-portfolio is missing progress photos of your drawing. I am interested in seeing the progress of you drawing.
Student Complaint
I am more of a "go with the flow" person when I draw. I forget to take progress photos.
Teacher Empathy Statement
I understand that sometimes as an artist we get into a flow during the creative process. I am the same way when I work on a drawing, painting or piece of pottery. However, when I finish a project I always like to look back at the original design drawing of a project and how the project developed and changed as I completed it. I find that if I take a photograph before every work session and at the end, I can see the progress I made that day. Take the little bit of time to take the progress photos - you will be amazed at the changes throughout the creative process of the project.