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Financial Literacy in Content Area: Secondary Sped

Posted by Liz Hammerly on Jul 09, 2017; 6:54pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Financial-Literacy-in-Content-Area-Secondary-Sped-tp8562.html

I teach special education at the secondary level.  Students take personal finance where they are exposed to these terms, but this does not come until senior year.  Students are learning habits at an earlier age, so discussing the terms and have the opportunity to practice them much sooner in life may help support better financial practices.  I can see as young as middle school.

Students within my class work on living, learning, and working goals.  We often speak of having enough to meet our needs and how to make those decisions.  This course will help me in developing goals and guiding me to resources to help me deliver instruction.