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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Posted by Marcia Klimes on Jul 20, 2017; 2:39pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Topic-3-Needs-Benefits-Empathy-Statements-tp3793p8684.html

Negative statement:  Don’t type French words without the proper accented letters in place.

Needs/benefit:  Find the best way to type French accents on your computer.  You might try Alt codes or adding the US International keyboard.  I can help you set that up!

Complaint:  I don’t want to speak aloud in French.   I can’t speak the language well and I’m afraid that I will make mistakes and sound silly.

Empathy:  I totally get that!  I would like you to think of speaking aloud as only practicing the language.  Try not to judge yourself; you are not being tested.   I’m here to help and when I hear that a sound or word isn’t quite right, I’ll tell you and give you lots more chances to do it again.