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Re: Topic #3: Needs/Benefits, Empathy Statements

Posted by Kevin Hahn on Aug 06, 2017; 6:57pm
URL: https://nabble.aealearningonline.org/Topic-3-Needs-Benefits-Empathy-Statements-tp3793p8911.html

Negative Statement- You did not follow the directions at all!

Needs/Benefit Statement- Now that you are completed, let’s look back at the directions to make sure you didn’t miss anything. I know you want to do your best!

Complaint- I do not want to share my project in front of the class. I get embarrassed speaking in front of people.

Empathy- I totally understand. I was asked to give a speech last year in front of a bunch of people. I was nervous for five straight days. I practiced every chance I got, and I still messed up a little. How about we record you presenting your project during study hall? You can use the extra room across the hall. You can record it as many times as you want. When you are happy with your recording, you can present it to the class.